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Dunton Rainville, Proud Partner of the Sommet du Repreneuriat 2023

October 11, 2023

Dunton Rainville is a valuable ally in supporting entrepreneurs in a multitude of projects, including the purchase and sale of businesses. The firm is therefore proud to participate in the Sommet du repreneuriat 2023 (2023 Repreneurship Summit), organized by the Centre de transfert d’entreprise du Québec (CTEQ) on March 29 at the Bonaventure Hotel in Montréal.

The Summit is the must-attend event for anyone interested in selling or buying a business and brings together the most influential experts in the field of repossession. Dunton Rainville was involved as a partner and speaker, with the presentation of a workshop on the legal steps of a transaction led by Claude Pellerin and Dominique Gilbert, partners of the firm.

The objective of this workshop was to demystify the different steps of a transaction. What to start with? What are the difficulties to overcome? Do I need legal assistance? Dunton Rainville’s experts were present to share their expertise.