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Dunton Rainville Fund, a major donation to the Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke

March 23, 2023

annonce Fonds Dunton Rainville faculte droit université de Sherbrooke

Mr. Pascal Grégoire, Director, Foundation of the Université de Sherbrooke; Me Yanick Tanguay, Partner and Vice President of the Board of Directors, Dunton Rainville; Professor Louis Marquis, Dean, Faculty of Law of the Université de Sherbrooke; Me Jean-Jacques Rainville, Partner and Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dunton Rainville; and Me Andrée-Anne Ouimette, Partner at the Sherbrooke office, Dunton Rainville.

Acknowledging the importance of contributing to succession planning in the legal profession, Dunton Rainville Lawyers and Notaries is pleased to announce a major donation of $110,000 (link in French only) to the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) Faculty of Law.

This five-year agreement, signed between the Foundation of the UdeS, Dunton Rainville and the UdeS on behalf of the Faculty of Law, provides for the creation and preservation of an endowment fund: the Dunton Rainville Fund. Dunton Rainville is committed to making a donation of $110,000 at a rate of $20,000 yearly. Once the value of the endowment fund has reached $110,000, the revenues thereby generated will ensure the availability of scholarships in the future.

“Several of our lawyers at Dunton Rainville are graduates of the Université de Sherbrooke Faculty of Law and we have also opened an office in Sherbrooke in 2019. For these reasons and considering our readiness to contribute to the development of the legal profession, we have decided to make a major donation to the Faculty of Law. We are very proud to make this announcement today”, said Me Jean-Jacques Rainville, Chairman of Dunton Rainville’s Board of Directors and a law graduate of the Université de Sherbrooke.

It is worth mentioning that the $110,000 donation represents the sum of all contributions by the firm and its partners who are graduates of the UdeS. Our partners have accepted from the outset to financially support this project which was originally developed by Me Sébastien Lebel-Grenier, who was at that time Dean of the Faculty of Law.

“This important commitment to promote knowledge and excellence reflects our own commitment to our clients: provide them with first-rate legal services. The donation is also an incentive designed to encourage the best students to pursue their higher education in business law and public law in Sherbrooke, which would in turn maximize our regional potential”, pointed out Me Dominique Gilbert and Me Andrée-Anne Ouimette, who coordinate the operations of Dunton Rainville in Sherbrooke.

In addition to the Endowment Fund, Dunton Rainville has made another commitment: an added donation of $10,000 through a general fund. This initiative enabled the Faculty of Law to grant in the Fall of 2022 a total of seven (7) graduate scholarships of $1,500 each, including four in the program Droit et politique appliqués de l’État (Governing Law and Policy of the State) and three in the program Droit des affaires et risques de l’entreprise (Business Law and Corporate Risks). Furthermore, the Faculty of Law has accepted to pay the remaining $500 to ensure that each scholarship is complete. 

The Dunton Rainville Fund will equitably allocate the amounts available for these two programs and the scholarships will be awarded based on the excellence of a student’s scholarship application prior to admission.

“We gladly welcome this significant investment made by the Dunton Rainville law firm and we are very grateful for it”, said Professor Louis Marquis, Dean of the Faculty of Law. “This philanthropic gesture is a clear indication of Dunton Rainville’s commitment to support our institution and the legal community. We wholeheartedly salute this initiative which will facilitate access to higher learning for many students”, concluded Professor Marquis.